Sunday 15 January 2012

10 Secrets of apple iPhone 5

Here are list of 10 features that I’ll like to see in upcoming apple iPhone 5. Also you can see the features that are available in current version of apple iphone (iPhone4) for better understating

  • Camera : iPhone4 is currently featured with a 5 MP camera, we can expect 8MP+ camera in apple iphone5
  • Home Button: Now iPhone 4 has old home button, we can expect it replaced with a touch sensitive buttun in apple iphone5, that should be moved at any bottom corner of phone
  • Screen size : This is going to be very good change in iphone5 Currently apple iphone4 has a 3.5″ screen, that could be increase to – 4″-5″ in apple iphone5
  • Resolution : Currently iphone4 has a resoulution of 960×640 and I think there is no scope to further increase resoulution.
  • White Body Color : Aah this should be available in iphone5 also.
  • Memory : iPhone4 is featured with 32 GB, we could expect it to 64GB or they might support external memory cards.
  • HD Video suport : Apple iPhone4 has a 720p player but as we think screen size will increase in iPhone5 , they must support 1080p videos also.
  • Ram(Memory) : Current version of iPhone4 has – 512MB RAM we expect 1GB RAM in upcomming versin of apple iphone i.e iPhone5

Last : current iphone don’t have a – A5 Processor, we expect it will be available in iPhone5

Tagged With: iphone, secrets


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