Saturday 26 May 2012

Microsoft to sell 80-inch Windows 8 touchscreen PCs

How big of a PC do you need? If you like your PC large and in charge, then here is some good news. Microsoft VP Frank Shaw recently told Wired UK that CEO Steve Ballmer has a Windows 8 80-inch PC hanging on the wall of his office.

Microsoft wants Windows 8 running on any size screen that any manufacturer can produce, and they want those screens to offer touch input. 80 inches might seem like overkill, but just imagine, executives would love to have this on their wall, or in their boardrooms and Microsoft aims to sell this just like they do with Surface. It’s not for the general public.

Although eventually it will be available to people like us as well, but that is a ways off still. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait.


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